by Randy Pausch (Author), Jeffrey Zaslow (Author)
As you read "The Last Lecture," you realize this is a book not written just as another philosophically dense lecture series but it's coming from the heart, from Randy's own experience with terminal cancer and coming to terms with his own limited time on earth.
Knowing his time is limited, you sense an urgency in his message and at the same time what is the most important in life becomes defined through his words. All the things that we think need to be put off for later. All the dreams we have left as relics to be abandoned from our childhood, when you face your own mortality come to the foreground as the very essence of existence.
This is an unforgettable lecture that will change you and also touch you. "The Last Lecture" will be a great legacy for Randy on its own but even more he'll be remembered for personally touching so many people mentioned in this book.
"The Last Lecture" can make a difference in your life and you should definitely consider buying it.