by The Supreme Master Ching Hai (Author)
Before reading The Noble Wilds, I did not have any respect to wild animals. However, the book, "The Noble Wilds," lets me understand more with different aspect. They are very noble. On the behalf of animal lovers, I sincerely thanks Supreme Master Ching for your noble work and your beautiful pictures to illustrate in your book. I really really appreciate very much. We love your noble ideas, and we love you too.
Human beings exhibit their humanitarian side most readily toward their animal companions including dogs and cats. But Master Ching Hai exhibits Her Love and Compassion towards all living beings including wildlife. Drawn from personal experience, the author shows how wildlife serves as mirrors through which we see ourselves. Wildlife has the same human qualities including feelings, emotions, understanding, protective love, and desire to live. Full of beautiful photos, wit and love this book is a must read for anyone interested in wildlife.
I think "Life is Love". The Life should also be protected. This is the only way to achieve a peace and happiness on the earth.
The author of "The Noble Wilds" shows us a correspondent love with the wild lives. This book makes us aware of an emotional aspect that they own.
That is a great suprise to us.
The author-Supreme Master Ching Hai-humanitarian, environmentalist, spirtual teacher, founded SMTV - the world's only 24 hour positive TV station, helped millions of people around the world, is humble not seeking fame, promotes peace, lives to help others, and teaches us that love is the most important thing in the world.